According to NIDA, National Institute of Drug Abuse, peer pressure does exist and can influence teens’ choices. Research shows that, when making a decision, teens think about both the risks and rewards of their actions and behaviors—but, unlike adults, teens are more likely to ignore the risk in favor of the reward. In a NIDA-funded study, “teens driving with their friends in the car were more likely to take risks — like speeding through yellow lights — if they knew that two or more of their friends were watching. Teens were also significantly more likely to act this way than adults in the same experiment. Results showed that just knowing friends were watching activated brain regions linked with reward, especially when the teen drivers made risky decisions.”

The resources here will help students learn how to manage peer pressure, and families will understand how to help teens cope more effectively with peer pressure and gain knowledge about how to discuss the dangers of underage marijuana and alcohol use with their teens. Teachers and schools will be able to help students understand ways to manage peer pressure, particularly as it relates to the use of marijuana and alcohol.

In this toolkit:

Preventative Resources to Tackle Stressful Issues

The world can be difficult for children and teens today; the risks are greater. Drug and alcohol use is on the rise; students face bullying, school violence, and cyberbullying; more adolescents report feeling anxious and stressed than ever before. These issues are often roadblocks to a young person’s educational journey and lifelong achievement. To that end, ADAPP provides resources and information to families, teachers, children, and community members to tackle the issues youth face.

Sources: The NYC Community Health Profile Youth Development Survey; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA); Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health; Centers for Dis-ease Control and Prevention Alcohol Fact Sheet; Office of the Surgeon General Underage Drinking Call to Action; OASAS Youth Development Survey.

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