Know the Risks!
The Risk is Real campaign is designed to raise community awareness about the consequences of underage marijuana use. Using the videos and toolkits provided, families and schools can discuss the risks associated with youth substance use and encourage children and teens to lead a healthy drug free life.
Each toolkit contains facts and information, conversation starters and reflection questions to address specific areas related to underage substance use. Families and teachers are encouraged to review the information with the teens and students in their lives, complete the reflection sheets, and take a pledge to remain healthy and substance free!
Preventative Resources to Tackle Stressful Issues
The world can be difficult for children and teens today; the risks are greater. Drug and alcohol use is on the rise; students face bullying, school violence, and cyberbullying; more adolescents report feeling anxious and stressed than ever before. These issues are often roadblocks to a young person’s educational journey and lifelong achievement. To that end, ADAPP provides resources and information to families, teachers, children, and community members to tackle the issues youth face.