Streaming videos featuring real kids talking about real issues!

It’s not always easy for families and teens to talk about tough topics and risky behaviors, but watching these short videos can be an easy place to start. You’ll hear from real teens and families sharing true stories — along with the latest research and information from experts.

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Marijuana laws may have changed, yet now it’s even more dangerous. How?

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Victor Ramirez
This former addict talks about his past and what it looks like today.

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Reverend Addie
The Banks family is impacted by marijuana. They openly discuss how in this video.

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Anthony Shaw
Anthony was homeless and an addict. He shares lessons every teen should hear.

What To Do Next

We’ve put together some suggested conversation starters with open-ended questions that can also help families start a dialogue with their teens. For families, it’s a good idea to listen more than you talk. You will also find additional helpful resources that can be printed to help these conversations.


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Teens need to know where their families stand when it comes to underage marijuana and alcohol use

Teens often ask their family about their own previous teenage behaviors, so share your honest expectations and any family history of marijuana and alcohol abuse. However, experts recommend that parents keep self-disclosure to a minimum, and never glorify marijuana use or drinking. Simply tell your children that you remember how difficult making choices can be during the teenage years, and remind them of your expectations.

Preventative Resources to Tackle Stressful Issues

The world can be difficult for children and teens today, and the risks are only growing more challenging. Marijuana is now legal in 24 states, including New York; drug and alcohol use is on the rise; students face bullying, school violence, and cyberbullying; and more adolescents report feeling anxious and stressed than ever before! These issues are often roadblocks to a young person’s overall health and wellness, educational journey and lifelong achievement. That’s why The Archdiocese of New York Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP), along with our community coalition partners, Forward South Bronx Coalition (FSBC) and Throggs Neck Community Action Partnership (TNCAP), provide resources and information to families, teachers, children, and community members to tackle the issues youth face.
We’re all in this together.

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